The Zambia Metrology Agency (ZMA), is a Statutory Body under the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry (MCTI) established by the Metrology Act No. 6 of 2017. Its overarching mandate is to oversee the service provision of Scientific, Industrial, and Legal Metrology in Zambia in accordance with the Law.
Its functions amongst many others, include the following:
a) Realize, maintain, and act as custodian of the national measurement standards according to the needs of the private and public sectors and in accordance with international practice;
b) Type approve weighing and measuring equipment used in commercial transactions, law enforcement, health and safety services, and environmental management in accordance with established standards;
c) Ensure the use of type-approved measuring equipment in commercial transactions, law enforcement, health and safety services, and environmental management, including the relevant calibration and verification of the measuring equipment in use; and
d) Evaluate and approve pre-packaging of commodities intended for and provided to the marketplace in accordance with relevant standards.
An innovative National Metrology Agency providing quality measurement services
To provide and regulate a National Measurement System traceable to the International System of Units.